Progressive No Longer Writing New Coverage for Hyundai and Kia Vehicles Due to Increase in Thefts

Hyundai and KiaCars

Progressive has recently announced that they will no longer insure Hyundai and Kia vehicles (all years and models) due to the increase of thefts. This change applies to new policies only, in zip codes starting with 441 (Cleveland) and 432 (Columbus), for now.

The restriction does not apply to existing customers or endorsements on current policies. If you currently have a Hyundai or Kia insured with Progressive, you will be grandfathered in and your coverage will continue.

According to the Highway Loss Data Institute, among 2015-19 vehicles, theft claims were nearly twice as common for Hyundai and Kia vehicles than all other car manufacturers. "The companies sell vehicles that don't have electronic immobilizers to prevent thieves from taking them. People are able to break in and bypass the ignition."

If you own a Hyundai or Kia, we encourage you to take steps to make the vehicle more secure such as a key ring device to track the car and/or retrofitting your vehicle with an alarm system. Learn more about safety tips to prevent theft. 

If you have questions about your Progressive coverage, please contact us at 937-324-8492.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Junior Achievement 2023 7-Eleven Bowl-A-Thon

In support of Junior Achievement of the Mad River Region, Wallace & Turner is serving as a sponsor of the 2023 7-Eleven Bowl-A-Thon – Tropical Heatwave fundraiser which is being held through March 10th. Teams of five bowl two games, enjoy snacks and have a chance to win prizes based on money raised. Additional prizes can be won for Best Team Costumes and Most Spirited Team.

Learn more and register here.

Junior Achievement’s mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. The inspiration piece comes from community volunteers who not only deliver the organization’s lessons, but share their experience. In the process, these volunteers serve as role models helping to positively impact young people’s perceptions about the importance of education, as well as critical life skills. Preparation involves Junior Achievement’s proven lessons that promote financial capability, work and career readiness, and business ownership.

Junior Achievement Bowl-A-Thon


Wallace & Turner Expands Senior Team with Addition of Partner/Producer Otto Larson

Otto Larson

Otto Larson - Partner/Producer

Wallace & Turner, Inc., Springfield and Urbana, Ohio’s largest, locally owned independent insurance agency, announced that Otto Larson has joined as a Partner/Producer. Larson brings over two decades of experience in the insurance industry and will work with both commercial and personal lines clients at Wallace & Turner. He was previously a Business Insurance Consultant and Market President with Marsh & McLennan Agency in the Midwest Region.

“We are thrilled to have someone with Otto’s breadth and depth of experience join Wallace & Turner,” commented President Patrick Field. “His insurance expertise and tenacity combined with local area knowledge will be a tremendous asset to our agency and clients. We know he will also be a great mentor to the next generation of agents as we continue to grow.”

“I am honored to join Wallace & Turner and be part of an organization with a rich history of serving their customers and communities for over 150 years,” said Larson. “The agency has an outstanding reputation for excellence in service and financial stability, and leads with a client centered approach, which was important to me when deciding to make a change. I look forward to getting to know our customers and helping them navigate the insurance marketplace while protecting their assets and future.”

Larson obtained a B.S. from Bowling Green State University and earned a Certified Insurance Counselor degree from the National Alliance of Insurance Education and Research. He is an active community member serving on various boards and as a volunteer, including Mental Health Foundation, Springfield Arts Council, Springfield Country Club, Ohio Means Jobs and the Red Cross, and co-chaired The Art Ball and Emerald Evening with his wife, Therese. He is also a graduate and served on the board of Leadership Clark County. Otto is currently a member of the Springfield Rotary Club, which serves children and adults with disabilities. 

About Wallace & Turner

An independent insurance agency with offices in Springfield and Urbana, Wallace & Turner works with a range of top-rated carriers which means clients receive comprehensive and cost-effective insurance options tailored to their needs. The agency is a long-standing member of Associated Risk Managers International, Keystone Insurers Group, Trusted Choice, Ohio Insurance Agents Association and Independent Insurance Agents Association, both in Ohio and nationally. Connect with the agency on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Wallace & Turner Serves as Premier Sponsor of Slice of Springfield Fundraiser

Slice of Springfield Sponsor

Slice of Springfield is back in 2023 and Wallace & Turner is a Premier Sponsor of this tasty event! Join Partners for the Parks on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at Mother Stewart's Brewery to vote for the best pizza in town! Sample pizza from up to ten area pizza shops, then vote for your favorite. Attendees will also enjoy live entertainment.

The Slice of Springfield fundraiser will donate 100% of ticket proceeds to help support parks and recreation programming of the National Trail Parks & Recreation District. Tickets purchased prior to January 20th receive a free drink (soft drink, beer, cider or wine).

Purchase tickets in person at the National Trail Administration Building or online.

Does Car Insurance Cover Hitting an Animal?

Myles Trempe - Insurance Agent

Myles Trempe - Producer

Ohio has a high deer population, which means collisions with cars are unfortunately a common occurrence. Due to the size of deer and that these accidents often happen unexpectedly and at a high speed, they can cause significant damage to your vehicle.

Below, Producer Myles Trempe addresses common questions about hitting a deer or other animals, and how insurance comes into play.

Do insurance companies generally cover animal collisions? What coverage can drivers purchase to cover this?

Yes, the insurance company will cover animal collisions as long as your policy includes comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive is the one type of coverage that protects your vehicle against physical damage to your car not involving a stationary object or another vehicle. Comprehensive coverage is an entirely different coverage option than collision. Collision insurance is a type of coverage that can pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's involved in an accident with either a stationary object or another vehicle. 

Are there types of animals collision insurance policies cover versus those they do not cover?

Any and all animal collisions would be covered under the comprehensive form. Different types of animal damage varies according to whether or not the animal has an owner. Pet owners are often held liable for animal accidents with the exception of those without owners or wild animals.

Why would drivers generally choose not to make claims on animal collisions?

The primary reason an insured would not file a claim for a comprehensive loss is due to the cost estimate of repair versus the policy deductible. For example, the policy has a $500 comprehensive deductible and the cost to repair is $800. That claim may lead to eventual higher insurance premiums and may quickly turn your claim into a negative financial transaction over the longer period of time. 

What should drivers do after an animal collision?

Pull off the road wherever it’s safe to do so and turn on your hazard lights. If the animal is lying in the road, direct your headlights towards it so other drivers can see it. Contact the police and do not approach the animal as injured wildlife can be very dangerous. Once you are cleared from the scene, contact your insurance company or insurance agent to file your comprehensive claim.

Questions about insurance coverage for animal collisions? Contact Wallace & Turner at 937-324-8492 or here.

What Happens to My Car Insurance Coverage After a DUI?

P.J. Miller

P.J. Miller - Retired Partner

Drinking and driving is dangerous to you, other drivers and pedestrians, and there is never a reason to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. In addition to potentially injuring or even killing someone, your auto insurance will be affected and you may be faced with finding new coverage and paying more out of pocket. P.J. Miller explains what happens to your car insurance rates and coverage after you are convicted of a DUI.

Is there such a thing as “DUI car insurance?”

No, the term infers that the person has been convicted of the offense and the current auto insurance carrier will not continue the policy, whether due to the fact that they don’t insure anyone with a serious offense, or they don’t have the ability to write the replacement coverage such as an “SR-22.”  

What can you expect to happen after a DUI conviction?  

Your current carrier will most likely not renew your auto policy and will send you a letter to that effect.  

Is it possible your car insurance company may cancel you?  

“Cancel” infers your policy will be terminated immediately or upon receipt of the letter. Typically, the notice will be “An intent not to renew,” so they won’t be renewing your policy at your next scheduled renewal date.   

Under what circumstances can you lose your license after a DUI? 

The court system (local or state) will dictate what transpires after a serious offense, meaning the charge (DUI or similar charge). The level of “points” also plays a part. For example, the court might assign a charge that is a 6-point offense, or even 12 points, depending on the judge, attorney and jurisdiction. 

Are your car insurance premiums guaranteed to increase following a DUI?   

While the outcome from a DUI is almost always going to be a loss of driving privileges and insurance coverage, and a significant rate increase, it does not mean the increase is “guaranteed,” as there are too many rating factors that affect auto insurance pricing. One well-known carrier that got its start in the auto insurance business, doesn’t adjust their rates much, if at all, if the DUI is a “clean” one, meaning, no accident accompanied the DUI. 

How much do insurance premiums typically increase after a DUI?  

Depends on each carrier but typically in the range of 25% to 100% or more. 

How do you recommend shopping for car insurance after you get a DUI?

An online search is a good place to start. Rates are readily available online but keep in mind, the information is only as good as what you’re entering to get a quote. So, if you don’t provide full, correct information, the quote could be skewed.  

An independent insurance agent works with many carriers and can help guide you in this process. They will understand the information that needs to be provided and offer you the best options. 

How long does a DUI stay on your record?  

Typically, three to five years, dependent upon the state, carriers and pricing model. 

What’s the difference between a DUI, OUI, DWI and OVI?   

They generally mean the same thing with some technicalities (alcohol vs. drugs) but in relation to insurance, they all mean the same thing. 

How long after a DUI do your insurance premiums take to decrease?   

This could be annually or over a three-year cycle or up to the five years.  Again, very specific to the carriers. 

Any other thoughts on this topic?   

  • Rely on rideshare and don’t get yourself in this position in the first place.  

  • Buy a breathalyzer (seriously).   

  • Know your jurisdiction's legal limit but keep in mind, most will charge you even if you’re nowhere close to the true legal limit because even .02% means you have alcohol in your system even though your state says .08% is the “allowable limit.”  And a personal breathalyzer isn’t a way to get around the limits but if you find out you’re .02% or greater, maybe you won’t get behind the wheel. 

Questions about auto insurance coverage following a DUI? Contact our independent insurance agents in Urbana and Springfield, Ohio here.

Wallace & Turner Celebrates the Holidays

The Wallace & Turner 2022 holiday party kicked off at Springfield Country Club testing our golf skills on the simulator with pro Jake Houston. Then we headed to Fratelli’s for a delicious lunch.

Inland Marine Insurance: What It Does and Doesn't Cover

Don’t be confused - inland marine insurance coverage has nothing to do with the ocean or other waterways. If you have a business that regularly transports materials over land or stores materials in a location away from your ordinary business premises, you likely need inland marine insurance as part of your overall business insurance package. We explain more about this type of coverage below. 

What is inland marine insurance and how does it work?

Commercial inland marine insurance protects your property from hazards while it is in transit via land or sea. This policy covers property regardless of its location, providing it is within the policy territory. Commercial inland marine policies can be written on a scheduled basis, a blanket basis or combination of the two. 

Businesses can either get a standalone policy or get inland marine as an endorsement on another policy, although some types of inland marine, such as ocean cargo coverage, typically require a separate policy and sometimes from a specialty carrier, for example Lloyd's of London. 

What does inland marine not cover?  

Some exclusions business owners might not think about, include: 

  • Mailing or shipping through a common carrier (e.g. FedEx, UPS) may or may not be insured through the cargo carrier.  

  • If equipment is leased or rented from supplier, the renter business might need its own coverage on the equipment. 

  • If property is damaged while it's being repaired, whether working on your own property or working on someone else's property. 

Why would a small business need inland marine insurance? Who are good candidates?  

Businesses that have property off premises or companies that ship their goods. For example, contractors (regular user of inland marine for tools used away from their shop). Industries that should consider inland marine coverage include: agricultural and farming, contractors, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, trucking operations.

How much inland marine insurance coverage do I need?

For endorsement costs, using a contractor's equipment as an example, $1 per $100 value for large equipment (e.g. bulldozer), and up to $3 per $100 value for small tools/equipment (drills, etc. that are more likely to be stolen).  

A standalone policy could have a minimum premium, typically between $250 - $500. If attached to a business package, it might not be subject to a minimum charge. So, it's more advantageous from a premium standpoint to endorse or attach to an overall business package versus a standalone.  

Learn more about Inland Marine Insurance here.

Questions about Inland Marine Insurance for your Ohio business? Contact us to speak with a commercial insurance agent.


P.J. Miller Discusses the Impact of Texting and Driving on Insurance Rates with Forbes Advisor

P.J. Miller - Vice President

Texting and driving is one of the most dangers behaviors drivers can engage in behind the wheel. And not only can it result in the worst case scenario of bodily injury or death, it can impact your insurance rates. Vice President P.J. Miller discussed the risks of texting and driving with Forbes Advisor.

“When texting, you easily lose track of speed and your surroundings, so aside from potentially getting a ticket, you are endangering pedestrians and/or road workers, which could lead to them being injured or killed by distracted driving. This can result in criminal charges, not just increased rates,” said P.J. “Additionally, you could lose your license or even your job.”

Read the full story here.

Questions about car insurance in Ohio? Contact us.


Finding the Most Affordable Health Insurance for Families and Individuals in Ohio – Colleen Corrigan Interviewed by MoneyGeek

Life & Health Agent Colleen Corrigan

Life & Health Agent Colleen Corrigan

For individuals and families looking for affordable and comprehensive health insurance in Ohio, they can turn to the state’s insurance exchange to review options. Wallace & Turner Life and Health agent Colleen Corrigan spoke with MoneyGeek to explain when Ohio residents can enroll for new coverage, how they can potentially save money and what alternatives there are to the Marketplace.

“The open enrollment period for individual and family health insurance runs from November 1 to January 15 in Ohio,” Colleen said. “Outside of open enrollment, a qualifying event is generally necessary to enroll in or make changes to your coverage.”


When asked about ways to take advantage of cost-sharing reductions and tax credits, Colleen commented: “Many individuals and families qualify for a subsidy to reduce the monthly premium for their Marketplace health insurance based on household demographics. The demographics which determine the subsidies available are:

  • Zip code.

  • Household size.

  • Number of family members on the health plan.

  • Gross household income projected for the year on the plan.”

Colleen added there are other short-term plans and individual plan options outside of the Marketplace, but its best to talk with your trusted insurance advisor to determine the right plan for your needs.

Read the full interview here.

Questions about health insurance coverage in Ohio? Contact our Life & Health department.

West Bend Mutual Insurance Awards $6,000 to Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark Champaign & Logan Counties Through Nomination by Wallace & Turner

Brian Erwin, Sr. Regional Sales Manager with West Bend; Tyra Jackson, Executive Director of Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign, and Logan Counties; Wallace & Turner President Patrick Field

Brian Erwin, Sr. Regional Sales Manager with West Bend; Tyra Jackson, Executive Director of Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign and Logan Counties; Patrick Field, President of Wallace & Turner

Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark Champaign & Logan Counties received a grant of $6,000 from West Bend Mutual Insurance as part of the Spirit of the Silver Lining Award 2022. Each year, West Bend presents the award to several independent insurance agents and the nonprofit organizations they support. The award recognizes those agents and organizations for their dedication to delivering a silver lining to those in need.

The nonprofit recipients of the award receive a grant from the West Bend Independent Agents’ Fund. Since 2006, the Fund has awarded more than $1.4 million in grants which are used for sustaining support, special projects, or capital projects for nonprofit organizations that represent a broad field of interests, including, but not limited to arts and culture; education; the environment; family, youth, and elderly; health and human services; medical research; and community development.

For many years, Wallace & Turner has supported Second Harvest through financial contributions as well as been a sponsor and volunteer for numerous fundraising events. President Patrick Field donates significant time as the current Board Vice President and will serve as the incoming President for 2023.

Second Harvest Food Bank’s mission is to alleviate hunger in Clark, Champaign, and Logan Counties by sourcing and distributing nutritious food to people in need, building community partnerships, and mobilizing the public to support hunger relief.

Finding the Best Car Insurance Company for Your Needs – P.J. Miller Interviewed by MoneyGeek

P.J. Miller Wallace & Turner

P.J. Miller - Vice President

Car insurance is important because it protects you in the instance of an accident or loss, and most people are not in a position to come out of pocket to pay for the replacement of a totaled car or another driver’s medical bills. In an interview with MoneyGeek, Vice President P.J. Miller discusses how drivers can balance balance risk management and affordability, how to educate yourself on the types of coverage available and how auto insurance premiums are set.  

When asked about how consumers can better understand the types of car insurance policies, coverage and pricing, P.J. said: “Independent insurance agents can help drivers better understand their options. Because independent agents work with a variety of insurance companies, they can compare carriers and present the best cost and coverage options for the driver’s needs. They may also be able to obtain discounts that only certain carriers offer.” 

Read the full MoneyGeek interview here.

Questions about finding the right auto insurance coverage for your needs? Contact us for a complimentary quote or to review your current policy.

Wallace & Turner Supports Graham Preschool Pumpkin Day

Celebrating “Pumpkin Day” with Graham Preschool! Each student got to take home a pumpkin from Circle Farms courtesy of W&T 🎃

Wallace & Turner Participates in CultureFest 2022

The Wallace & Turner Life & Health team had a booth at CultureFest 2022 held on September 17th in downtown Springfield. The annual event is a celebration and collaborative effort between the City of Springfield Community Development Department with neighborhood and organizational partners committed to growing unity through diversity. CultureFest offered dance and music entertainment, children’s activities, a food court featuring international and American cuisine and merchandise and information vendors. CultureFest is supported through donations from individuals and organizations.

Congratulations to our gift basket giveaway winners, Rita Galbreath and Oakie Moore!

New Score Table Heading to Cedarville University Athletics – Wallace & Turner Donates to Longtime Client

Wallace & Turner has gifted a new score table to be used in Cedarville University’s Stranahan Gymnasium. The gift will help the Yellow Jackets fulfill the need of enhancing the game day experience for student-athletes, staff, and fans at the Callan Athletic Center.

We are proud to be the University's insurance carrier for more than 20 years.

Learn more here.

Cedarville University Score Table Donated by Wallace & Turner