Patti Keechle's Retirement Party - March 2017
Halloween 2016
Interview with On the Rise
Located in a unique country setting on an eight acre farm just outside of Springfield, Ohio, On-The-Rise serves at-risk youth in Clark County struggling with family, social, educational, and behavioral issues. Read more about On-The-Rise in our Q&A interview below:
Explain your mission and how you were founded:
On-The-Rise is a non-profit that helps at-risk youth in Clark County. The organization is a year-round program which promotes responsibility, compassion, work ethic and positive self-image by getting back to basics in a working farm setting.
On-The-Rise was opened in 2002 by founders Debbie McCullough and Cathy Tofstad. Realizing that youth needed positive out lets and the ability to shine in many different ways. By creating a multi- sensory program with many different facets to it, youth can find what they're good at and make positive changes.
Describe the programs you offer:
On-The-Rise offers years round programs for youth: after-school programs that promotes healthy lifestyles, from dinner, cooking, gardening, sewing, and caring for animals on the farm. We also partner with many community organizations to give our youth a well rounded education. During the school year we partner with WittenbergUniversity to assist our youth with tutors and mentors, for homework and one on one help as needed.
Summer programming is from 9-12 daily, we offer many different off the farm experiences, and a summer reading program working comprehension and the world around us.
On-The-Rise also has a 4-H Club in Clark County, projects ranging from, goats, chickens, turkey, art, gardening, archery.
On-The-Rise is the oldest vendor at the Springfield Farmers Market (about 10 years), the reason we started years ago was to teach employment skills off the farm. Once we see that a youth has made enough progress at the farm with social skills and behavior the youth are encouraged to work. They have to get there and on time, and be able to answer questions about how our animals are raised. They learn to make change correctly. The youth do earn money for attending.
Benefits for our community is that they are able to obtain, fresh local meats and eggs that have been raised right and with love. This helps teach our youth social skills and a positive light in the community.
The Wittenberg Community Service Program provides numerous opportunities, not only for our youth in homework help but being mentors for your youth. Hopefully seeing themselves there one day. Gamma Phi Betagirls have adopted our girls program as "little sisters" and they come out to the farm, tour the campus, and all so have our girls work events with them. This is a win-win program for On-The-Rise.
How can the community get involved:
On-The-Rise is such an open door for this community, opportunity for helping is endless - anything from a reading buddy for a child, to job tours, cooking, to a craft to share. Help with fundraisers, or possible office work.
Learn more at:
For over 140 years, Wallace & Turner, Inc. has been committed to Clark County and has supported United Way since the organization's beginning. We were a proud supported of the United Way 2016 Campaign, raising 7% more than last year.
WT Proudly Sponsors the 7th Annual Jeff Clouse Memorial Golf Outing August 27, 2016
New United Senior Services Facility Opening
Myles & Sam Trempe Baby Shower Celebration
Christmas in July!
Clark County Fair 2016 Opening Ceremonies
On the Rise Fishing Outing
Ohio Mutual Insurance Group Golf Outing - July 11, 2016
Springfield Arts Council 50th Anniversary "Journey Tribute" Night
Chris Toms Memorial Golf Outing
WT representing at the Chris Toms Memorial Golf outing on June 15, 2016. Congratulations to Patrick Field, Mike Houseman, Bob McGee and Cody Houseman who were the winners at 13 under par!
Meet Mad Sweet Heat - Home of Award Winning Candied Jalapenos!
We sat down with Mark and Debbie Titus, owners of MAD SWEET HEAT to discuss the success of their delicious candied jalapenos in their first year of business:
What sparked the genesis of MAD SWEET HEAT?
In a nutshell, a conversation with Scott Griffith of the Western Clark County Business Coalition (WCCBC) during an event being held at the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center was the spark needed to set us in motion to obtain the knowledge, training and licensure for what developed into MAD SWEET HEAT.
How did you get into canning?
I’ve been canning since around the age of 12. I was extremely lucky in that my parents canned numerous items grown in our garden every year. My interest was then renewed about 15 years ago when I was given a recipe for jalapenos, which after several years of tweaking became known as MAD SWEET HEAT.
What is your cooking/food background?
I was lucky enough to be the daughter of two amazing cooks. My parents felt it was important for a girl to know how to cook and bake. Growing up in the Northwestern School District I just happened to live on the same county road as Mrs. Freda Barnhart. Mrs. Barnhart was my 4-H instructor, and she not only helped me learn to cook, but sew as well. She would always tell me I was destined to be a “domestic goddess!" With her guidance I was able to win both a first and second place ribbon at the Clark County Fair. Mark on the other hand was one of the 4 boys who took the first cooking class offered at North High School in the fall of 1971.
Describe the canning process for those unfamiliar with it?
We’ve learned canning on a commercial level is certainly far different than canning at home. There are quality control processes that must be adhered to that most are unfamiliar with as a home canner, such as PH testing.
Where do you get your ingredients?
We attempt to purchase from local sources as much as possible. For example, we use Apple Cider Vinegar from Woeber’s.
Where are the products canned?
Initially we produced our sliced candied jalapenos in Athens, Ohio at ACEnet. ACEnet is a Food Incubator which housesboth a Licensed Commercial Kitchen and a Cannery. By October 2015, we knew it was inevitable in order to sustain and grow that we would have to seek the services of a co-packer. We interviewed numerous co-packers, and then found the perfect match for MSH in late December 2015.
What was the first store you sold in? How did that come about?
The first store we thought to stop at was the closest to our home and where we thought we’d be a perfect fit but we were turned down. We then proceeded to Wine
Works Liquors where, funny enough, Mark and Debbie showed faith in this Mark and Debbie and agreed right away to support a small local family business by placing us on their shelves – the rest is history!
Do you have a favorite recipe?
With this being grilling season, we are quite partial to incorporating MSH into our burgers, brats and chicken. We also consume a good amount of twice baked potatoes with sour cream, butter; MSH relish and Colby cheese…man oh man!!!
Have customers shared any unique recipes they’ve tried and loved?
We met a great couple from the Urbana area and they shared that they often make cream potatoes with MSH - sounds like a great fall comfort food. Then there was the MAD SWEET HEAT Signature Pizza at the Mad River Farm Market a few weeks ago which was absolutely delicious. Made with cream cheese, MSH relish, sausage, and onion topped with mozzarella cheese. Numerous individuals have shared that they use MSH to make their grilled cheese sandwiches, fish and pulled pork tacos as well as macaroni and cheese.
Yes, if you’re wondering there are some very adventurous folks making Margarita’s with the sliced candied jalapenos and using MSH relish in their Bloody Marys! Now we just need someone to incorporate MSH into their “craft brew”… any takers?
What’s next for MAD SWEET HEAT?
New Products? YES! Unfortunately we can’t elaborate just yet…we guarantee it will be worth the wait.
New Stores? We are in negotiations with several out-of-state distributors…stay tuned!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Red Nose Day Hijinks
In support of Red Nose Day, have fun, share a laugh and watch our video to help raise awareness to end childhood poverty.
Kayla Hurley
On The Rise Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
On The Rise ribbon cutting ceremony to dedicate the new barn after a fire ravaged the original last November.