Bike to Work Day 2024 - Wallace & Turner Sponsors Event

Bike to Work Day 2024 Sponsor

Wallace & Turner is sponsoring Bike to Work Day 2024, hosted by the City of Springfield on May 17. The event will mark not only the unofficial opening of bicycle season locally but the unofficial premier event on the newly renovated City Hall Plaza at 76 E High Street, Springfield, Ohio.

Bike to Work Day will run from from 7 am to 8:30 am and feature free food, raffle prizes, musical entertainment by DJ Chill and other fun festivities. The event is part of the Bike to Work week observance, which runs from May 13-19.

Learn more here.

Register for Bike to Work Day here.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Ridgewood School's 2024 Hearts & Hands Dinner and Auction

Wallace & Turner is proud to once again sponsor Ridgewood School's Hearts & Hands Dinner and Auction. This year’s event will raise funds to support students' exploration, including covering the costs of materials for classes, field trips, activities, guest speakers, programs and special events.  

The Dinner and Auction is being held Friday, May 10 at Ridgewood School, 2420 Saint Paris Pike, Springfield, Ohio. View the schedule below:

5:30 p.m. Social Hour, Hors d'oeuvres, Silent Auction

6:30 p.m. Dinner by Kohler Catering

7:30 p.m. Live Auction, Auctioneer Jeff Harvey

Free Onsite Childcare for Children Over 3 - Please call the school at 937-399-8900 to sign up.

*LIVE AUCTION participation is by in-person attendance only.

Learn more and buy tickets here.

Wallace & Turner Serves as Diamond Sponsor for Champaign County Arts Council's 13th Annual Bad Art by Good People Fundraiser

Wallace & Turner is once again serving as a sponsor for Champaign County Arts Council's Bad Art by Good People fundraiser which features non-artist celebrities competing to create a work of art and campaigning for the public's votes for their artwork.

This year’s celebrity artist this year is Ed Asner, the late American actor known for his trademark husky voice and his role as Lou Grant on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and as the voice of Carl Fredricksen in the movie “Up.” The “Up”-themed piece, which is autographed three times, was donated to the fundraiser by Urbana Daily Citizen Sports Editor Steve Stout and it will be part of the dinner and auction.

The 13th annual event will be held on May 3, 2024, at The Woodruff Farm. All proceeds will benefit the Arts Council.

Tickets are for sale at the Arts Council’s office and online at the Arts Council’s website. Tickets are $30 and include a catered dinner and dessert. Buy tickets and vote here.

Read the Urbana Daily Citizen story here.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors 2024 Dye Hard 5K Benefiting Developmental Disabilities Endowment Fund of the Springfield Foundation

In support of the Developmental Disabilities Endowment Fund of the Springfield Foundation, Wallace & Turner is once again sponsoring the Dye Hard 5K taking place April 28, 2024, at the Clark County Fairgrounds.

Participants can run or walk in the most colorful 5K ever while getting showered with colored powder! Sign up today for fun, food trucks, music and tons of color!

Register here.

10th Annual Springfield Rotary Gourmet Food Truck Competition - Wallace & Turner Serves as Food Truck Sponsor

Over 10,000 attendees head to Veterans Park in Springfield every year for the Springfield Rotary Gourmet Food Truck Competition which also serves as a major fundraiser for the Springfield Rotary Club, with proceeds going toward services to people with disabilities, support of local charities/nonprofits/teachers, Polio Plus (for the worldwide eradication of Polio) and the International Project in Lesotho.

Wallace & Turner is proud to once again sponsor the event which features up to 35 food trucks full of unique cuisine from the U.S. and around the world, live entertainment, a beer garden and more.

The 2024 Food Truck Competition is being held Saturday, Aug. 17 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and offers free admission to the public.

Learn more here.

Wallace & Turner Serves as Split Sponsor for Junior Achievement 2024 Bowl-A-Thon

Wallace & Turner is proud to support Junior Achievement as a Split Sponsor for the 2024 Bowl-A-Thon. It's a “party with a purpose” that raises funds to help Junior Achievement reach thousands of local students with programs that focus on entrepreneurship, workforce readiness and financial literacy. These vital programs help to ignite a spark in young people as they realize the opportunities and realities of life and work.

The Bowl-A-Thon is being held, Saturday, March 2 at Northridge Lanes, 1333 Moorefield Rd, Springfield, OH 45503.

Learn more below and register here.


Wallace & Turner Sponsors United Way's Nash Bash Benefiting Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Clark County

Wallace & Turner is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties’ Nash Bash, benefiting Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Clark County. Nash Bash will feature a live auction, silent auction, music, heavy hors d'oeuvres, a Bourbon Pull, Giving Tree and more at the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center on February 9, 2024.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library provides high quality, age-appropriate books, once a month, to children from birth to the age of five at no cost to the family.  Local partners around the world (like United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties) fundraise to provide this service to children and families in their communities.

Lear more and purchase tickets here.


Wallace & Turner Sponsors Slice of Springfield to Benefit National Trail Parks and Recreation District

Slice of Springfield is returning to Mother Stewart’s Brewing on February 8, 2024, and Wallace & Turner is proud to support this fundraiser once again! The event offers a chance to taste and vote for your favorite pizza from up to 10 local pizzerias in Clark County. It’s an evening filled with delicious pizza, music and family-friendly fun.

Organized by the Partners for the Parks and presented by Park National Bank, this fundraiser directs 100% of ticket sales towards supporting National Trail parks and recreation programs in Clark County.

This event always sells out, so get your tickets early! Buy tickets here.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors United Senior Services “Imperial Red Hot Holiday Stomp” Christmas Celebration

Wallace & Turner is proud to support United Senior Services’ Christmas celebration featuring Todd Stoll’s “Imperial Red Hot Holiday Stomp.” As Director of the Springfield Symphony Jazz Orchestra and VP of Education at Jazz at Lincoln Center, Todd brings his red hot eight-piece New Orleans style Jazz Ensemble to The State Theater in downtown Springfield on December 22nd from 7pm-10pm.

The ensemble will be swinging two sets of smokin’ holiday jazz classics while legendary WBLY DJ and Master of Ceremonies Dick Hatfield, “The Imperial Debubba,” spins his cool yule tales of historic downtown and jitterbugs with the ghosts of Christmas’s past.

$15 reserved tickets for USS members ONLY can be purchased in person at United Senior Services (125 W Main St, Springfield, OH 45502) or over the phone (937-521-3002).

Todd Stoll Red Hot Holiday Stomp

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Springfield's Wizarding Weekend 2023

Wallace & Turner is proud to support the Heritage Center’s Wizarding Weekend in Springfield, being held September 30, 2023. Wizarding Weekend is a Harry Potter-themed event that transforms the Heritage Center Museum into a wonderland with opportunities to hone your spellcraft and learn about Clark County’s magical history. 

Festivities kick off Saturday afternoon with an Open House: Professors will welcome witches, wizards, current students and alumni alike back to the Heritage School of Wizardry. Guests will have the opportunity to get sorted into their houses, meet & greet their local owls, participate in some specialized crafts and activities, and compete for house points.

The fun continues on Saturday evening with the Wizards’ Ball, which is reserved for adults 18 and up. There will be a cash bar, candy bar, dinner, dancing, dueling and house points contests, classes, games and more! Wallace & Turner’s donation allowed the Heritage Center to bring in DJ Chill for the Ball’s music.

Learn more here.

Springfield's Wizarding Weekend

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Happy Half Marathon and Hoppy 5K 2023

Wallace & Turner is proud to serve as a sponsor of the Happy Half Marathon and Hoppy 5K which raise money to honor family members and friends who have fallen to cancer.

The idea for the race came from Maloney family members running the 13.1 mile course from Springfield to Yellow Springs to train for a full-marathon in which they would be raising money to help cover the cost of cancer treatment for Mike Maloney, father of Co-Director Alex Maloney. The first official Happy Half Marathon was held in 2012.  The race brings together runners from all over to support our cause and gives them a chance to achieve their fitness goals.

Learn more here.

Happy Half Marathon 2023

Wallace & Turner Sponsors United Way Golf Scramble 2023

Wallace & Turner is proud to once again support the United Way of Clark, Champaign & Madison Counties’ annual Golf Scramble being held September 8, 2023 at Windy Knoll.

United Way serves to nurture a safe, healthy, caring community that builds on the strengths of its citizens, its neighbors, its businesses and its human services delivery systems.

Register for the Golf Scramble here.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Springfield Rotary Club 9th Gourmet Food Truck Competition

Wallace & Turner is once again sponsoring the Springfield Rotary Club’s Ninth Gourmet Food Truck Competition being held Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Veterans Park. Attracting over 10,000 guests each year, the competition continues to grow and thrive as Springfield’s must-taste event of the summer. The competition will feature up to 35 food trucks full of unique palate-pleasing cuisine, along with live entertainment, a beer garden and more.

While the competition is a great community event, it’s also a major fundraiser that supports the Rotary Club’s charitable programs. Over the first five years of the competition alone, over $100,000 was raised for Springfield Rotary’s causes from the support of the community. This includes services to people with disabilities, which has increased the number of individuals served by more than 70 percent since the inaugural competition in 2014.

Learn more here.

Springfield Rotary Club’s Ninth Gourmet Food Truck Competition

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Clark County Fair 2023

Wallace & Turner is once again serving as a sponsor of the Clark County Fair being held July 21-28, 2023. The fair will feature rides, music entertainment, a junior fair livestock show, rodeo, Clark County Fair queen contest, pig and calf scrambles, and much more.

Veterans will be admitted free on Saturday, July 22 with a military ID, and kids ten and under will be free on Wednesday, July 26.

Check out the schedule of events here.

Clark County Fair 2023

Wallace & Turner Sponsors 2023 Yellow Springs Pride Festival

Wallace & Turner is proud to support the annual Yellow Springs Pride Festival being held, Saturday, June 24 from 11 am - 7 pm. The Festival features entertainers, parade, contests, music food trucks and more.

Learn more here.

Yellow Springs Pride, Inc. is an organization that plans year-round LGBTQ+ resources and produces the annual Yellow Springs Pride Festival. Its mission is to offer a comprehensive, community-based service organization to the LGBTQ+ population of Yellow Springs as well as the surrounding areas including, but not limited to, the Dayton and Miami Valley area by providing event spaces, activities, and resources that encourage advocacy, education, and entertainment and to increase visibility, inclusion and connection
for the LGBTQ+ community.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Rocking Horse Community Health Center 21st Annual Golf Classic

Wallace & Turner was proud to support Rocking Horse Community Health Center’s 21st Annual Golf Classic on June 12, 2023, at Windy Knoll Golf Club. Proceeds from the event help to provide increased patient care and outreach services to those in the Springfield community who need it the most.

Hearts & Hands Ridgewood School Auction 2023 - Wallace & Turner Serves as Sponsor

Since its founding in 1919, Ridgewood School has been a "home away from home" for many students. To continue offering high-level curriculum and extra-curriculum, employing outstanding teachers and offering scholarships to worthy students, Ridgewood hosts an annual Hearts & Hands Auction to reach its fundraising goals.

This year’s Auction is being held Friday, May 12 with the following schedule:

  • 6 p.m. Social Hour, Hors d'oeuvres, Silent Auction

  • 7 p.m. Dinner by Kohler Catering; Dessert by Humera Umerani

  • 8 p.m. Live Auction, Auctioneer Jeff Harvey

  • Free Onsite Childcare - Please call the school at 937-399-8900 to sign up.

  • *LIVE Auction participation is by in-person attendance only.

Wallace & Turner is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the Auction. Purchase event tickets and raffle tickets here.

Ridgewood School Hearts & Hands Auction

Wallace & Turner Serves as Team & Hole Sponsor of Leadership Clark County Golf Outing

The Leadership Clark County Golf Outing brings together past graduates, community leaders and other supporters to raise money over a round of golf for the nonprofit. This year's event will be held on Friday, June 2, 2023, at Windy Knoll Golf Club. Wallace & Turner is proud to support as a team and hole sponsor.

Leadership Clark County Golf Outing

Change Your Day, Not Your Life! Wallace & Turner Sponsors Community Health Foundation Event

Community Health Foundation is hosting Change Your Day, Not Your Life! with Keynote Speaker Andy Core.

Andy Core has a master’s degree in science of human performance and has spent the last 16 years mastering the art of inspiring people to become energized, healthy, motivated and better equipped to thrive in today’s hectic society. His “research scientist meets stand-up comic” style gives audiences the proprietary information needed to accomplish more at work, live healthy, and still have a life. Combining stories from his experience as a successful consultant with the latest research, he will ignite your motivation, show you how to execute a better way of life and live to enjoy it.

Wallace & Turner is a proud sponsor of this event being held Tuesday, March 28th from 5-7 pm at Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts & Conference Center.

Learn more and register here.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Dye Hard5K Benefiting Developmental Disabilities Endowment Fund of the Springfield Foundation

In support of the Developmental Disabilities Endowment Fund of the Springfield Foundation, Wallace & Turner is sponsoring the Dye Hard5K taking place April 30, 2023, at the Clark County Fairgrounds.

Participants can run or walk in the most colorful 5K ever while getting showered with colored powder! Sign up today for fun, food trucks, music and tons of color!

  • EARLY REGISTRATION $30, January 1-February 28, with a free shirt or medal and color packet

  • ADVANCE REGISTRATION $35, March 1 - March 31, with a free shirt or medal and color packet

  • REGISTRATION $40, April 1-14, with a free medal and color packet

  • LATE REGISTRATION $45, April 15-30 with free medal and color packet not guaranteed

Register here.